Excellence in Flight Training
Learn To FLY Here!
Drone Training
One of the hottest gifts this year and one of the latest and greatest ways to get some of the best aerial shots are electric powered quad-copters, or "drones". These radio controlled vehicles have made remote controlled flight possible for just about anyone, and have also opened the door for a whole new set of regulations and required training that must be met to legally operate your drone.
Sarasota Aero offers a complete course, for beginer to experienced drone pilots that will give you all the tools neccessary to operate your drone safely and legally. Part of your training will even be done in a real airplane, and include a tour of the Sarasota Airtraffic Control Tower to best educate you how the national airspace system works.
During your course you will:
Learn basic airspace regulations
Learn flight aerodynamics for fixed wing aircraft and drones
Fly a real airplane with your instructor
Learn how to fly a basic four rotor drone
Receive direction from our staff to complete your FAA paperwork to give you the authority to operate your drone for hire.
Receive FAA 333 Exemption Training
Understand how to operate a drone in the National Airspace System.
Course includes over $1299 worth of training.
Call or click "contact us" today for more information on our training courses!